Total Price $10,000 - Pay $250 Deposit to hold your place

Vintage One - Six Person Mastermind

Create the Normal 40 Roadmap for the rest of your life.

Limited to six people, we will dive deep into what's next with monthly one-to-ones and long-form Mastermind Sessions. This is the cohort that can change your life. Ask those who have done it.

This is an eight-month program. 

It is a cohort-based, virtual program where you meet 1:1 with Lon, and long-form mastermind sessions each month with your cohort.

The program will move you down the path toward your second-half story. But the program will also surround you with fans who want to help you achieve your own story. 

We aspire to answer two questions: Who am feeling called to be next, and what am I willing to do about it?

We spend time each month building a roadmap for ourselves while also helping others in our cohort to do the same.

Participants are equal parts givers and takers in the process. This delivers the Normal40 process of inspired accountability and brings true value to the process and your progress.

If you’re looking for a small-group mastermind that will change your life, and put you in a position to help others change theirs, Vintage One is for you.