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The Trade Personalized Hardback

Own your unique personalized copy of Lon Stroschein's first book, The Trade. 

The Trade is a guide through making the biggest change of your mid-life, laid out in a funny, honest, articulate way by a dude who went through it all.

If you have ‘the perfect life’ but still feel unfulfilled, then The Trade is the perfect place to start your journey to your second-half story.

Just let us know who you want the book made out to and any special notes for signing and we will get it shipped out to you in 3-5 working days. 

What People Are Saying:

Lon Stroschein and his book “The Trade” punched me in the gut about 8 times, and in this case, that’s a really great thing. This book has given me the words to express the things I’ve been trying to work out inside my head. Lon describes what I’ve always thought of as the “golden handcuffs” even more accurately as The Box; the box with the walls, floor, and ceiling – AKA the money, time, image, reputation, security, family expectations, and perceived irresponsibility of walking away – holding me in a place of “safety” where I don’t actually want to be. Lon and “The Trade” have given me the courage to take a chance on myself and trade a place of security in the military to a much less secure place in the nonprofit sector while giving my family a happier, more fulfilled, and most importantly, more present wife and mother. If you are in a place in your life and career where you are wondering, “Shouldn’t I feel better about what I’m doing with my life” and then feeling guilty for considering changes that you think would take away from what you’ve promised your family you would provide, you need this book. But be warned; there are gut punches ahead – gut punches you’ll realize you needed and will be glad to have taken. Do yourself a favor; read this book.

Wendy Woodard