Welcome to 

Vintage One


Join this Mastermind Cohort, led by Lon Stroschein, and navigate the path to moving on from the career you have built towards the life you can create.

Cohort 3 just filled. Sign up to be notified when enrollment opens for Cohort 4.

Join the Waitlist

Welcome to 

Vintage One


Join this Mastermind Cohort, led by Lon Stroschein, as we navigate the pathways to moving on from the career you have built towards the life you can create.

This cohort will, without question, change your life. You will be coached by Lon, encouraged by your cohort and be a coach for others when they need you. This is an intense program. There is an expectation that you will make this a priority as if it were your life’s board meeting. Whenever needed, you will have access to Lon.

Join the Waitlist for Cohort 2 Now

Maybe your work there is done.
Maybe the lifestyle you want is just starting.

This cohort is not about quitting, this cohort is about starting.

Look, it will not be easy to turn your back on corporate success, the title, and the image you have built along the way. It will be harder to leave than it will be to start. Your steady paycheck, the respect from your peers, the perceived expectations from your partner. If you give it all up, who are you now? This alone is enough to hold you in place years longer than it should.

Vintage One is a hands-on, virtual or in-person way to start writing your second-half story. This Mastermind course is limited to 6 people per cohort. We will dive deep into what's next, with monthly 1-to-1's, weekly office hours, and exclusive live events, this is where your second half starts to become a reality.

This is the most exclusive coaching I offer, and I only do a few cohorts each year. So don’t wait too long to get on the waitlist; a new cohort will be laughing soon.

What is Vintage One?

Vintage One will change your life.

It will be an intensely personal experience with some of the most impressive people you will come to know. In the first month, none of us will know one another. By month three, we will be making plans to fly around the world to visit one another’s homes.

This program is an eight-month paid program. But you create a lifetime board of directors that will be in your corner, forever.

Vintage One is not something you can call in or use when you need it. Our cohort calls are as sacred as a board meeting. The work between calls has a purpose, and you will be a changed person, with an incredible set of lifelong friendships, before we are done.

Vintage One will be an experience you remember for a lifetime. It will give you tools that you can use forever, and it will give you friendships that will endure long after your old work relationships have ground to a halt.

Be Notified When Enrollment Opens

Welcome to the Normal 40 Highway 

The best days are in the windshield. 

In February 2022, I left my job as a 1% wage earner.

I had caught what I chased: The C-Suite office. Pay. Travel. Car. Image…

Most think I left because I was unhappy, but I’m smarter than that.
I decided to leave before I wasted any more time chasing what I would never find in a corporate setting. I was lucky - I avoided being crushed by the expectation of others, and I was able to escape while I still had my best days in front of me. But it was damn hard.

You might not be sure why you are here – but I know why: You are wrestling with something. Something is stealing your Sunday afternoons and destroying your Mondays. There is something staring you in the face, something begging you to chase it, and something calling on you to make a bet - on you.

The whole thing has you feeling frustrated, anxious, controlled, annoyed and alone. To make things worse, you feel guilt and shame for wanting more than all you currently have.

You simply want to feel good about all you have done to now, but you can’t.

Dude, I get it. Not long ago, that was me.

This is the idea behind the Normal 40.

What’s next from here will not be easy. It will not be obvious, it will go slower than you would like, and there will be some sort of cost. What comes next is work – to discover what it is you would trade all you have become, for a chance to live who you want to be, next.

This is “The Trade.” It requires a desire to test yourself on your own merits, and it requires insane courage to trade what you’ve already created for something you can’t even articulate. And it takes your acknowledging that this will not be free, it will be a trade. You will have to leave something behind before you can chase what’s next.

BUT know this:

The friendships you’ve made along the way are portable; they don’t end when the paycheck does.

The skills you’ve gained will be there the moment you need them.

The fans you have built will admire your courage, and the ney-sayers will ask you to coffee in eight months to ask you how you had the courage to do it.

I'm a Certified Coach and former public company executive who now helps leaders get clarity on the change they want in life. I help build roadmaps for your second-half story. So come on in, join the Normal 40 Community, and let's see where we can go.

Eric Reiners

I have the pleasure of knowing Lon Stroschein for the last year, just as I was going through my own trade - leaving my role as a public company executive to pursue something more meaningful to me in my second half. Lon has shared the learnings and the #normal40 community to help others on the journey. 

Dr. Jeff Willis

Lon speaks to that moment when you realize the best years of your life are in the future, and you are the only one who can make them happen. Lon's writing and speaking provide the most down-to-earth, clear-headed, and no-BS approach to harnessing your Normal 40 Moment to not let it go to waste. 

Corey Quinn

Since joining the Normal 40, I have come to feel normal about all the things I felt abnormal about, felt guilty about, felt badly about. All of a sudden I have a guide in Lon, someone who puts himself out there and says all the things that I can't say, showing us that we are not alone. 

Be up to something.

Come join us in Vintage One.

Vintage One


Pay $250 Deposit Today

  • This is an intense and intimate eight-month program — High participation is expected.
  • It is a cohort-based mastermind led by Lon Stroschein.
  • It’s a virtual program designed to build deep relationships with others.
  • Cohorts often choose to meet at least once in the eight-month program.
  • Monthly cohort calls with your cohort “Board of Directors.”
  • Monthly one-on-one meetings with Lon Stroschein.
  • Create the Normal 40 Roadmap to your second-half story.
  • The program will move each individual down the path toward their second-half story.
  • We aspire to answer two questions:
    1.) Who am I capable of being next, and
    2.) What am I willing to do about it?
  • Participants are equal parts givers and takers in the process. This delivers the Normal40 process of inspired accountability and brings true value to the process and your progress.
  • Result — Clarity on what’s next, A roadmap to your second-half story, and A cohort Board or Directors that you take with you for a lifetime.
Be Up To Something


The Rambler

This is not a newsletter. The last thing you need is more news.
Instead, The Normal 40 Rambler will be notes written from me to you. 
Guaranteed to meet you right where you are. Trust me.Â